Produced by Ridley Scott, Raised by Wolves tells the story of two androids tasked with raising human children on a mysterious planet. As the burgeoning colony of humans threatens to be torn apart by religious differences, the androids learn that controlling the beliefs of humans is a treacherous and difficult task. The HBO Max Original series premiere will debut on 3 September on HBO GO. You can watch the trailer below.
Much like the Scott’s Alien, Raised by Wolves features both androids and creatures. Full of exhilarating sci-fi imagery, the recently released trailer offered a glimpse of the unique world it’s presenting. Most excitingly, Scott himself directed the first two episodes of the 10-episode series, marking his television series directorial debut for American audiences. Responsible for some of the greatest looking films in history, it’s exciting to see what Scott brings to the table with Raised by Wolves.
Starring Amanda Collin and Abubakar Salim as the androids (mother and father, respectively) and Aussie actor Travis Fimmel, perhaps best known for playing Ragnar Lothbrok in History’s Vikings. The cast also includes Winta McGrath, Niamh Algar, Jordan Loughran, Matias Varela, Felix Jamieson, Ethan Hazzard, Aasiya Shah and Ivy Wong.
The series is produced by Scott’s Scott Free Productions, with Scott, writer and creator Aaron Guzikowski, David W. Zucker (The Man in the High Castle), Jordan Sheehan (The Terror), Adam Kolbrenner (Prisoners) and Mark Huffam (The Martian) serving as executive producers.
HBO Asia has begun to offer the standalone subscription option for its HBO GO streaming service in Malaysia. HBO GO provides on-demand access to HBO and HBO Asia original contents as well as its massive catalogue of movies, series, and documentaries. HBO GO subscribers also able to access six live TV channels under the brand such as HBO, HBO Hits, HBO Family, HBO Signature, Red by HBO, and Cinemax.
Read more: Blade Runner 2049 and What It Means to be Human